due diligence 意味

発音を聞く:   due diligenceの例文
  • due diligence


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. doubt it . but due diligence . she could've paid somebody .
  2. the point is we did our due diligence and she didn't talk .
  3. you're spying on her ? ! just doing my due diligence
  4. i guess he was just doing his due diligence
    彼は ただ当然の仕事ととして
  5. i also haven't done my journalistic due diligence on this .
    この件を報道する上での見極めは まだ着いていません


        apply due diligence to:    ~に適正評価{てきせい ひょうか}を適用{てきよう}する
        environmental due diligence:    環境{かんきょう}デューディリジェンス◆買収対象企業{ばいしゅう たいしょう きぎょう}が環境面{かんきょう めん}の問題{もんだい}を抱えていないかどうかを調査{ちょうさ}すること。◆【略】EDD
        financial due diligence:    財務{ざいむ}デューディリジェンス◆買収対象企業{ばいしゅう たいしょう きぎょう}が財務面{ざいむ めん}の問題{もんだい}を抱えていないかどうかを調査{ちょうさ}すること。◆【略】FDD
        lack of due diligence:    正当{せいとう}な注意義務{ちゅうい ぎむ}の違反{いはん}
        overcome by due diligence:    《be ~》適切{てきせつ}な注意{ちゅうい}を以ってすれば克服{こくふく}される
        diligence:     diligence n. 勤勉, 精励, (たゆまぬ)努力. 【動詞+】 You must apply your utmost diligence in preparing for the examination. 最大の努力をしてその試験の準備をしなさい He displayed exceptional diligence in completing the proj
        with diligence:    勤勉に
        diligence and indolence:    diligence and indolence 勤怠 きんたい 勤惰 きんだ
        diligence meeting:    業務調査会議
        exercise diligence in:    ~に精励{せいれい}する
        prize for diligence:    精勤賞{せいしん しょう}
        reasonable diligence:    相当{そうとう}な努力{どりょく}[注意{ちゅうい}]
        sham diligence:    偽の勤勉{きんべん}
        study with diligence:    勤勉{きんべん}に学ぶ
        use of diligence in:    ~に当たっての留意


  1. "due date of payment" 意味
  2. "due date of property tax payment" 意味
  3. "due date of return" 意味
  4. "due date of the final return" 意味
  5. "due date of the tax return" 意味
  6. "due east" 意味
  7. "due east of the island" 意味
  8. "due entirely to want of caution" 意味
  9. "due execution" 意味
  10. "due date of the final return" 意味
  11. "due date of the tax return" 意味
  12. "due east" 意味
  13. "due east of the island" 意味

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